Launch of
The London-based commodity consultancy VM Group today launches, a unique service that gathers in one web-based location all the essential analysis and data that track developments in global crop markets. Specialising in agricultural commodities in Asia, Africa and South America, publishes expert commentary on:
Published daily by a team of London journalists, analysts and statisticians, is headed by former Financial Times commodities editor Gary Mead. The portal includes all the important agricommodity news of the day, detailed weather forecasts that impact on global crops, and time-delayed commodity prices streamed from the leading international exchanges.
A central feature of our commentary is the Grains of Truth section which puts into perspective the political and economic events affecting specific crop markets.
Here readers will find unbiased, authoritative and candid opinion based on a deep understanding of individual soft commodities and the regions in which they are produced and consumed.
Intended as a first port of call for commodity traders, brokers, investors and producers of agricommodities, the site has an extensive statistical section offering producer country profiles and detailed data on all the major soft commodities including coffee, sugar, cocoa, palm oil and grains.
The statistical datasets are particularly relevant to financial institutions, government bodies and international aid agencies. The majority of the site’s facilities are free and open access although a specialist subscription membership is also available. is supported editorially by VM Group, the London-based commodity consultancy which collectively has 175 years of commodity experience in agricommodities, precious metals markets and energy markets. VM produces authoritative weekly and monthly analysis and has a lengthy track record of accurately forecasting political developments, corporate takeovers and market price trends.