Loan from Finance Wales helps Bridgend tractor and agricultural machinery specialist to continue expanding
A £160,000 loan from Finance Wales has helped the new owner of JG Plant, the Bridgend-based New Holland tractor and agricultural machinery specialist to expand the business.
A £160,000 loan from Finance Wales has helped the new owner of JG Plant, the Bridgend-based New Holland tractor and agricultural machinery specialist to expand the business.
Gareth Rees bought the family business in 2013 when its former owner retired, safeguarding 15 jobs and has since strengthened the company’s position in its existing markets and also expanded into the market for agricultural equipment in Europe.
Turnover has increased since the buy-out and is expected to reach £4 million by the end of 2015/the end of the 2015 -16 financial year. JG Plant has also recruited 7 new members of staff as part of its expansion which has seen the company double the size of its premises on Bridgend’s Brackla Industrial Estate.
JG Plant has continued to develop its own apprenticeship scheme to train new agricultural or plant technicians to ensure that it develops its staff to meet its future resourcing requirements. Plans are in place to build on the scheme with Bridgend and Raseheath colleges.
Established in 1966, JG Plant now sells and hires agricultural, horticultural and construction vehicles and other machinery to over 2,000 customers. It also repairs and services equipment at its fully equipped workshops, offers customers a full ‘design and build’ service for machinery design.
“Since buying JG Plant, our sales levels are up and we’ve also developed our position within the European agricultural equipment market. We’ve also focused on improving our service standards and achieved ISO 9001 Quality Systems Standard and IS0 14001 Environmental Systems Standard.
“Finance Wales’ loan has been crucial to our expansion and provided us with the funding to expand our warehouse to keep up with demand for our services. We’ve also implemented a new IT system and rebranded the business,” Managing Director Gareth Rees explained.
With a background in sports turf and commercial landscaping, Gareth also plans to increase JG Plant’s presence in these markets as well as the horticultural and grounds maintenance sectors.
Congratulating Gareth on his success to date, Senior Portfolio Executive Dave Perez said: “Gareth is an experienced businessman with many years’ knowledge and experience and an innovative approach. He spotted an opportunity to buy into a well-established and successful local business that was ripe for further expansion.
“Gareth has achieved a lot with Finance Wales’ backing since taking over JG Plant just over a year ago and he has a clear vision for the future. He’s expanding the company’s activities in its existing markets, targeted new markets and also ensured that it has the capacity to provide the excellent service levels JG Plant is known for.”
The market for agricultural and other horticultural machinery is worth over £4 billion a year and growing with the trend towards automation and precision farming techniques.