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Further BPS 2015 payments are made to farmers in England

The Rural Payments Agency has confirmed that the total number of farmers in England who have now received their BPS 2015 payments stands at 61,172 - over 70% of those eligible.

rural payments agency

The Rural Payments Agency has confirmed that the total number of farmers in England who have now received their BPS 2015 payments stands at 61,172 – over 70% of those eligible.

This means over £845 million, of an estimated total fund of £1.43 billion, has now been paid out for the 2015 Scheme.

The RPA’s priority has always been to pay as many farmers as it can, as quickly as possible. Chief Executive Mark Grimshaw said:

“We understand the importance of BPS payments for farmers and the RPA is working seven days a week to meet our commitments.

Payments are being made regularly, typically arriving in banks mid-week, as claims are checked and completed”

Claims of all sizes are being paid to businesses covering all sectors of the industry across England.

The RPA is doing everything it can to pay the remaining claims as quickly as possible. This includes contacting those who still need to register or provide information. There is currently £1.5million of payments ready to pay waiting for those farmers to either register or confirm correct bank account details.

BPS entitlement values and the exchange rate used to calculate claims were published last year, and can be found here on GOV.UK.

Environmental Stewardship

Natural England has now processed over 29,000 Environmental Stewardship final payments (65%) worth over £220 million which is a month ahead of previous years. Natural England aim to have processed all valid claims by the end of March.

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