Livestock market set to move as agricultural centre gets go-ahead
Thrapston’s livestock market is set to relocate to new premises on the edge of the town following East Northamptonshire Council Planning Committee’s decision to approve plans for the Thrapston Rural Agricultural Centre.
The approved development will provide a new livestock market building, offices and agricultural merchant retail units. Compared to the existing livestock market, which has been operating from its current location since 1871, the new centre will provide improved facilities for farmers and visitors as well as a more modern environment providing better animal welfare.
Subject to approval of the plans by the Secretary of State, the committee’s decision will clear the way for Sainsbury’s to redevelop the existing livestock market site – if its foodstore proposals also receive planning permission.
David Bletsoe from Henry H. Bletsoe & Son, says: “We’re delighted with the committee’s decision to approve our application, and would like to thank everyone who supported our plans. This exciting development, which Indigo Planning has been advising us on, will help secure the future of Thrapston Livestock Market for the benefit of the farming community, whilst continuing the town’s long tradition as an important regional centre for agriculture.
However, this much-needed centre can only be delivered if the council also approves Sainsbury’s plans to regenerate our existing market site in Thrapston.”